Friday, March 28, 2014

Our last class was very interesting and important. I can said that it was best one. During last class we had a debate and the topic was "Copper mining in Syunik". Our group and also our guests AUA MA students divided into 4 groups. First one was "Mining Company", second one "Activists", third "Villagers" and fourth "Government". I was member of "Mining Company".

 At stage 1 we have 3 important points and then "Activists" said their objections, also "Government" and "Villagers" gave questions. Then at stage 2 "Activists" said their 3 important points and we said our objections,also "Government" and "Villagers" gave questions. At stage 3 "Mining Company","Activists" and "Villagers" conclude all. And after it government said his decision. The government said that we allowed to open only one factory and if  that factory will be good for everyone, they will think about future. 
I like our debate very much, it was great. Also MA students like our "Mining Company", they said that our points and our speech was good.

We continued our class and in second part we poke about littering, recycling, reusing and reducing. We also watched video about sustainable management and read text "Recycling in Armenia".

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