Friday, March 28, 2014

Our last class was very interesting and important. I can said that it was best one. During last class we had a debate and the topic was "Copper mining in Syunik". Our group and also our guests AUA MA students divided into 4 groups. First one was "Mining Company", second one "Activists", third "Villagers" and fourth "Government". I was member of "Mining Company".

 At stage 1 we have 3 important points and then "Activists" said their objections, also "Government" and "Villagers" gave questions. Then at stage 2 "Activists" said their 3 important points and we said our objections,also "Government" and "Villagers" gave questions. At stage 3 "Mining Company","Activists" and "Villagers" conclude all. And after it government said his decision. The government said that we allowed to open only one factory and if  that factory will be good for everyone, they will think about future. 
I like our debate very much, it was great. Also MA students like our "Mining Company", they said that our points and our speech was good.

We continued our class and in second part we poke about littering, recycling, reusing and reducing. We also watched video about sustainable management and read text "Recycling in Armenia".

Friday, March 21, 2014

Our last class was interesting because it was about our country, about Armenia. The topic was "Mining in Syunik". We watched video about bed things in Syunik cause of mining. It was horrible,they destroy our whole nature.

And as we will have debate in our next class we discussed debate structure.

Monday, March 17, 2014

That’s what Friends are for…

A full- time shoulder to cry on?

You usually say about a good friend, “He is a devoted friend. He will never let me down or betray me.” It’s really important to rely on a friend, but devotion is not the only feature we need in friendship. If you want it to be long- lasting you should have common interests with your friends, you shouldn’t be boring or tactless, selfish or touchy, greedy or cunning. With these features you remain friendless.

There has to be more to friendship. There are times in everybody’s life when you need the firm but gentle shoulder of your best friend.

No-one is saying that you should only love your friends when they are up, and cross the street to avoid them when they are down. But when you are doing all the giving and your friend just taking, it’s time to weigh it up.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Our last class was interesting because we had interesting topic. It was about Nauru. This is island and located in the South Pacific Ocean. Nauru is not in good situation, because people used it as mines.  And now Nauru’s population needs help.

We also read and discussed Kare Sheppard’s report, about Nauru and its problems.

We also discussed 4 posters. There were very nice and informative. After that in groups we make our poster. We make poster about Nauru and I like it very much.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Luxury or necessity…
What is the difference between luxury and necessity? Some people think that if something is expensive it’s mean that it is good one. People buy   expensive items as luxuries to show something someone. But if you really need something and it is necessary for you there is no matter it is expensive or not.

And where is the border between luxury and necessity? That border between luxury and necessity is the different socioeconomic status. For example, college students, university students, professors, managers, supervisors, businessmen. Businessman or supervisor can buy expensive items but college student or university student can’t.

But now luxuries have become a necessity, for example cell phones, televisions, computers. Our generation born and saw television in our houses and now television is necessity to have. But nowadays television has become a luxury. Everyone wants the best television, the biggest television. Or cell phones, Cell phones have also become a necessity over time. There are many different reasons for needing a cell phone these days. But technologies developed and everyone want new one, smart one, big one and it became a luxury. And the same thing with computers…

Friday, February 28, 2014


Last time we had interesting and informative class. We watched documentary film about Aral Sea and learned many things connected with it.  
In 1948 Aral was much bigger than it is now. In the last 60 years, Aral shrinked. The shrinking of Aral Sea is one of the planet's worst environmental disasters.  And now Aral Sea is in horrible situation, that's why climate has changed.

 Then we read text about our Sevan Lake and also watched video about fresh water resources. Sevan Lake has an important role in Armenia. Sevan is the largest lake in Armenia and one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Should school be wired to the internet...?

Some scientists say "All kids,not just ones from families that can buy a home computer, should grow with a mouse in their hands".
Yes, it's important to the way kids learn because today communications and information technology are changing our economy and our society, the way we live, the way we work and the way we communicate with each other. Jobs in information technology are better paid than non-technology jobs.

The computer skills become important as soon as children begin to learn. Children enjoy learning, develop better writing and communicate easily. I think that all children must have a chance to learn.

"No, learn first, surf later", says professor of computer science David Galernter.
Surfing is great way to gather information and communicate. But it would be wrong to net-connect every school. For example in America  their schools are in crisis. Their kids do not want to master the basic skills.  The result is that their students can't write well, lack basic math and language skills.
While the Internet is full of useful information, it is also full of garbage, which destroy young people today.