Sunday, February 23, 2014

Should school be wired to the internet...?

Some scientists say "All kids,not just ones from families that can buy a home computer, should grow with a mouse in their hands".
Yes, it's important to the way kids learn because today communications and information technology are changing our economy and our society, the way we live, the way we work and the way we communicate with each other. Jobs in information technology are better paid than non-technology jobs.

The computer skills become important as soon as children begin to learn. Children enjoy learning, develop better writing and communicate easily. I think that all children must have a chance to learn.

"No, learn first, surf later", says professor of computer science David Galernter.
Surfing is great way to gather information and communicate. But it would be wrong to net-connect every school. For example in America  their schools are in crisis. Their kids do not want to master the basic skills.  The result is that their students can't write well, lack basic math and language skills.
While the Internet is full of useful information, it is also full of garbage, which destroy young people today.

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