Sunday, February 2, 2014

Business <---> Advertisement

Business and advertisement connected with each other. Business can’t be without advertisement because people know about that company for example about that super market, mall or any product with help of advertisement. Advertisement is really good way for business because there are many types of advertising for example poster, TV commercial, Internet, side of bus and people will know that from different sides. Also advertising is good for rebate, people know and go there to find product that they want and by it with low price.

Armenian advertisements are at middle level and develop day by day. What about ethics of advertising it develop too, even there are advertisings which done with high standard like all international advertisings. But in Armenia not all companies do advertising, mostly clots shops with their new collections and rebates, supermarkets with their daily rebates, boom prices, cars with their new models, bank with their programs, credit projects, cinemas with new films, different companies with their products, mobile operators with their new offers and projects, medicine, TV market, nowadays also funded pension system advertisements. 

Nowadays in Armenia online shopping, internet shops which are type of business and based on advertisement are spread and popular among young people.
Today people getting flyers and random phone calls from companies advertising their products which are sometimes irritating, annoying or informative. What about me I don’t like this type of advertising. But flyers are more interesting than phone calls. Phone calls are irritating because at first maybe you are busy and they disturb you and at second there is no truth because many companies call and said not true things.


  1. I also do not believe in advertisements through random phone calls :-)
    So you are saying that business can't be without advertisement and that it's a way to be informed about products. What about the frequency of ads on TV?
    Alcohol or cigarettes advertisements, how do you feel about that?

  2. There is no much ads about alcohol and cigarettes but their sales are in high level, may be it's another business, I don't know...

    1. great point! maybe it is "another Business" :-)
