Sunday, February 9, 2014

"Corruption refers to a lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery) and the use of a position of trust for dishonest gain"

 Corruption is one of the bad things in business.

Corruption is a lack of integrity or honesty.
Corruption is the misuse of public power for private gain.

We know that in Armenia not all businesses work honest and there is corruption. But when we comparing with other countries there are more corruption than in our small country.

«Transparency International» make list of corrupt countries in the world. The most corrupt countries are Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Sudan and Chad. The least corrupt countries are Norway, Switzerland, Australia, Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore. Actually Denmark is the happiest country for life and the best place to do business. We understood that Corruption in Armenia is in middle level.

There is also another form of corruption when jobs are given to friends or relatives. In our country it is. Simple example when you go to enter for work you must give bribe or you must have friend or relatives for getting good job and good wage.

I don’t know why it is like that, the main reason but I think that consequences can’t be good. Because when you take your friend or relative they can’t work like who study how to work.

Let’s imagine that I am boss of large company or government ministry and my friends, relatives want to get a job. Of course I won’t give them any job in my company. First of all it is the violation of ethics, secondly if they aren't clever or don’t understand that job like another workers they can’t work in my company because it is bad for my company, for my business. Otherwise I will help them with money.

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