Sunday, February 16, 2014

The world would be a better place if everyone spoke the same language…

According to biblical legend, the people of Babylon started to build a tower reaching up to heaven.  And in this legend there are some obvious connections among languages. It is very nice to think about the days before Babel, when everybody spoke exactly the same way.    

Now there are over 6000 languages in the world which are divided into different language families. It will be good or bad that everyone spoke the same language and after that world would be a better place or not.

In my opinion it is not good idea that everyone spoke the same language because after that world would be a better place. Having only one language is hard or maybe even impossible.

There are many reasons first of all culture and nationality. Each country must have its language, if there is no language, there is no country. Without a language, countries have no culture, no nationality, and cannot be considered a country. Language cannot be forgotten or removed because language is main point, the most important part of a country, nationality. When everyone spoke the same language, it would look like the whole world is of one nationality. For example in ancient time when most languages came from Africa, which might be the birthplace of the mother language there were no country, no culture, and nationality.

The variety in the literature can destroyed, many great persons who tried to develop the literature of their culture would never trace their names in the history. And if there are no literature that mean that they cannot live better then nowadays.

The life could be so boring because an important aspect of it, I mean trying to learn other languages would never exist.

Finally countries will be similar and the world would 
not be better place. The same language will make many problems.


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  2. Very good arguments. Have you hear the Beatles song "Imagine" ? here is the link just in case

    Imagine there is no country
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion too
    Imagine all the people living life in peace...

    Do you think peace can be insured if the whole world was united around the same beliefs, the same language and be a one united nation?

  3. yeaah~~ Nice one))) Beatles forever <3

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